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4T1 小鼠乳腺癌細胞

更新時間:2016-06-22      點擊次數:2046

細胞名稱:4T1 小鼠乳腺癌細胞
介紹:4T1 是從410.4瘤(liu)株中(zhong)未(wei)經誘(you)變篩得的6-硫鳥嘌噙抗性細(xi)胞株。 當注射到(dao)(dao)BALB/c 小(xiao)(xiao)鼠(shu)(shu)中(zhong)時,4T1自發產生高轉(zhuan)移(yi)腫(zhong)(zhong)瘤(liu),可轉(zhuan)移(yi)到(dao)(dao)肺,肝,淋巴結和大腦,同時在注射部位形(xing)成始發灶(zao)。 誘(you)導(dao)轉(zhuan)移(yi)時不需要(yao)摘(zhai)除始發灶(zao)。 4T1細(xi)胞在BALB/c小(xiao)(xiao)鼠(shu)(shu)中(zhong)的生長與轉(zhuan)移(yi)特性與人體中(zhong)的乳腺(xian)癌(ai)十分相(xiang)近。這(zhe)種腫(zhong)(zhong)瘤(liu)是人VI期乳腺(xian)癌(ai)的動物模型。 4T1-誘(you)導(dao)的腫(zhong)(zhong)瘤(liu)在手(shou)(shou)術(shu)后(hou)及(ji)未(wei)手(shou)(shou)術(shu)情況下轉(zhuan)移(yi)的動力(li)學相(xiang)近,可以用(yong)作手(shou)(shou)術(shu)后(hou)及(ji)未(wei)手(shou)(shou)術(shu)模型。 跟其(qi)他腫(zhong)(zhong)瘤(liu)模型相(xiang)比,由(you)于4T1的抗6-硫鳥嘌噙特性,微(wei)小(xiao)(xiao)的轉(zhuan)移(yi)細(xi)胞團(少到(dao)(dao)僅(jin)僅(jin)1個)也可以在許(xu)多遠端器(qi)官中(zhong)檢測到(dao)(dao)。 沒必要(yao)數淋巴結或稱重器(qi)官
形態特性       上皮細胞
生長特性      貼壁生長
傳代方法       消化3-5分鐘。1:2。3天內可長滿。
支原體檢測      陰性

4T1 (ATCC® CRL-2539™)
Organism    Mus musculus, mouse
Tissue     mammary gland
Product Format     frozen4T1 小鼠乳腺癌細胞
Morphology     epithelial
Culture Properties     adherent
Biosafety Level     1
Disease     This tumor is an animal stage IV human breast cancer.
Strain     BALB/cfC3H
The tumor growth and metastatic spread of 4T1 cells in BALB/c mice very closely mimic human breast cancer. This tumor is an animal model for stage IV human breast cancer.

4T1-induced tumors can be used as a post-operative model as well as a non-surgical model because the 4T1-induced tumor metastasizes spontaneously in both models with similar kinetics.
Storage Conditions     liquid nitrogen vapor temperature
4T1 is a 6-thioguanine resistant cell line selected from the 410.4 tumor without mutagen treatment.
Tumorigenic     Yes
Effects    4T1 小鼠乳腺癌細胞
Yes, forms tumors and metastasizes in BALB/c mice
When injected into BALB/c mice, 4T1 spontaneously produces highly metastatic tumors that can metastasize to the lung, liver, lymph nodes and brain while the primary tumor is growing in situ.
The primary tumor does not have to be removed to induce metastatic growth.
Because 4T1 is resistant to 6-thioquanine, micro-metastatic cells (as few as 1) can be detected in many distant site organs with better accuracy that most tumor models. There is no need to count nodules or weight target organs.

Complete Growth Medium     The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated RPMI-1640 Medium, Catalog No. 30-2001. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 10%.

Phenol Red is a structural mimic for estrogen. Therefore the estrogenic activity of phenol red should be considered in any studies that utilize estrogen-responsive cells in culture (Ref). The Phenol Red-free version of RPMI 1640, is ATCC catalog No. 30-2602.

NOTE: the cells should not be allowed to become confluent, subculture at 80% of confluence. Remove medium, and rinse with 0.25% trypsin-0.53mM EDTA solution. Remove the solution and add an additional 1 to 2 mL of trypsin-EDTA solution. Allow the flask to sit at room temperature (or at 37°C) until the cells detach. Add fresh culture medium, aspirate and dispense into new culture flasks.
Subc*tion Ratio: A subc*tion ratio of 1:6 to 1:8 is recommended
Medium Renewal: Every 2 to 3 days
Freeze medium: Complete growth medium 95%; DMSO, 5%
Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor temperature
Culture Conditions    
Temperature: 37°C

Atmosphere: air, 95%; carbon dioxide (CO2), 5%


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