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當前位置:首頁 >產品中心>細胞庫>人腫瘤細胞、癌細胞>CRL-2169SW 780細(xi)胞, 人(ren)膀胱移行細(xi)胞癌細(xi)胞

SW 780細胞, 人膀胱移行細胞癌細胞

簡要描(miao)述:SW 780細胞, 人膀胱移行細胞癌細胞
CRL-2169 SW 780 人(ren)膀(bang)胱移(yi)行細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)癌細(xi)胞(bao)(bao), ATCC 細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)|細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)系(xi)|細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)株|腫瘤細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)|細(xi)胞(bao)(bao);細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)庫管理(li)規(gui)范,提供(gong)的(de)細(xi)胞(bao)(bao)株背景清楚,提供(gong)參考文獻和*培(pei)養條(tiao)件!

  • 產品型號:CRL-2169
  • 廠商性質(zhi):生產廠家
  • 更新(xin)時間:2024-03-12
  • 訪  問  量:1075


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SW 780細胞, 人膀胱移行細胞癌細胞

ATCC® Number:CRL-2169™ Price:
Designations:SW 780 [SW-780, SW780]Depositors:W McCombsBiosafety Level:1                  SW 780細胞, 人膀胱移行細胞癌細胞Shipped:frozenMedium & Serum:See PropagationGrowth Properties:ithelialadherentOrganism:Homo sapiensMorphology:epSource:Organ: urinary bladder Disease: transitional cell carcinomaPermits/Forms:In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.Restrictions:These cells are distributed for research purposes only. The Scott and White Clinic releases the line subject to the following: 1) The cells or products derived from them must not be sold or used for commercial purposes. Nor can the cells be distributed to third parties for purpose of sale, or producing for sale, cells or their products. Commercial interests are the exclusive property of the Scott and White Clinic. 2) Any proposed commercial use of these cells or products produced by them must first be negotiated with the Scott and White Clinic, 2401 S. 31 Street, Temple, Texas 76508. ephone (817) 774-2432Isolation:Isolation date: 1974Tumorigenic:YesAge:80 yearsGender:femaleEthnicity:CaucasianComments:The SW 780 line was established in 1974 by A. Leibovitz from a grade I transitional cell carcinoma. The patient had preoperative chemotherapy (Thiotepa). The cells have a reported plating efficiency of 41%.Propagation:ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated Leibovitz's L-15 Medium, Catalog No. 30-2008. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 10%.Temperature: 37.0°C Atmosphere: air, 100%Subculturing:Protocol:Remove and discard culture medium.Briefly rinse the cell layer with 0.25% (w/v) Trypsin- 0.53 mM EDTA solution to remove all traces of serum that contains trypsin inhibitor.Add 2.0 to 3.0 ml of Trypsin-EDTA solution to flask and observe cells under an inverted microscope until cell layer is dispersed (usually within 5 to 15 minutes).Note: To avoid clumping do not agitate the cells by hitting or shaking the flask while waiting for the cells to detach. Cells that are difficult to detach may be placed at 37°C to facilitate dispersal.Add 6.0 to 8.0 ml of complete growth medium and aspirate cells by gently pipetting.Add appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new culture vessels.Incubate cultures at 37°C.Subc*tion Ratio: A subc*tion ratio of 1:4 to 1:8 is recommended Medium Renewal: 2 to 3 times per weekPreservation:Freeze medium: Complete growth medium supplemented with 5% (v/v) DMSO Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor phaseDoubling Time:38 hrsRelated Products:Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2008recommended serum:ATCC 30-2020purified DNA:ATCC CRL-2169DReferences:22457: Kyriazis AA, et al. Histopathologic evaluation of response to treatment of human tumors grown in the nude mouse. Exp. Cell Biol. 51: 83-95, 1983. PubMed: 684038823050: Kyriazis AA, et al. Morphological, biological, and biochemical characteristics of human bladder transitional cell carcinomas grown in tissue culture and in nude mice. Cancer Res. 44: 3997-4005, 1984. PubMed:674431523143: Kyriazis AP, et al. Response to ionizing radiation of human bladder transitional cell carcinomas grown in the nude mouse. Exp. Cell Biol. 53: 281-286, 1985. PubMed: 404350624381: Fogh J. C*tion, characterization, and identification of human tumor cells with emphasis on kidney, testis, and bladder tumors. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr. 49: 5-9, 1978. PubMed: 571047



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