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當前位置:首頁 >產品中心>細胞庫>小鼠腫瘤細胞、癌細胞>CCL-219L1210 小鼠白血病(bing)細胞 

L1210 小鼠白血病細胞

簡(jian)要描(miao)述:CCL-219 L1210 小鼠(shu)白血病細(xi)胞(bao),原代細(xi)胞(bao)|細(xi)胞(bao)系|細(xi)胞(bao)株|菌種,細(xi)胞(bao)庫管理規范(fan),提(ti)供(gong)的細(xi)胞(bao)株背景(jing)清楚(chu),提(ti)供(gong)參考文(wen)獻和培養條件!

  • 產品型號:CCL-219
  • 廠商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新時間(jian):2024-03-12
  • 訪  問(wen)  量(liang):981


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CCL-219 L1210 小鼠白血病細胞

ATCC® Number:  CCL-219™

Designations:  L1210

Depositors:   EM Jensen

Biosafety Level: 1

Shipp:  frozen

Medium & Serum:  See Propagation

Growth Predoperties: suspension

Organism: Mus musculus (mouse)

Morphology: lymphoblast

CCL-219 L1210 小鼠白血病細胞

Source: Disease: lymphocytic leukemia

Strain: DBA subline 212

Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.

Tumorigenic: Yes

Reverse Transcript: positive

Cytogenetic Analysis: modal number = 40; range = 32 to 80.

Mouse karyotype with a diploid stemline number of 40 chromosomes.

Age:  8 months

Gender:  female

Comments: Tested and found negative for ectromelia virus (mousepox).

The line was established from a tumor in female #234 that developed following skin paintings with 0.2% methylcholanthrene in ether. [22513]

Propagation:  ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium, Catalog No. 30-2002. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: horse serum to a final concentration of 10%.

Temperature: 37.0°C

Subculturing:  Protocol: Cultures can be maintained by addition or replacement of fresh medium. Start cultures at 5 X 10 exp4 viable cells/ml.

Medium Renewal: Add fresh medium (20% to 30% by volume) every 2 to 4 days

Preservation:  Freeze medium: Complete growth medium, 95%; DMSO, 5%

Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor phase

Doubling Time:  8 to 10 hrs

Related Products: Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2002

recommended serum:ATCC 30-2040

References: 22513: . . J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 10: 179-192, 1949.

26055: . . J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 36: 405-421, 1966.

26056: . . Cancer Chemother. Rep. 51: 451-453, 1967.

32923: Young SW, et al. Gadolinium(III) texaphyrin: a tumor selective radiation sensitizer that is detectable by MRI. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 6610-6615, 1996. PubMed: 8692865

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