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ATCC 8739 大腸桿菌

簡要描述:ATCC 8739 大腸桿菌,ATCC 菌種|標準菌株|質控菌種|微生物菌種|菌種,
現貨供應 ATCC 菌(jun)種 上海復祥生(sheng)物公司現貨供應美國(guo)典(dian)型培養物保藏中心(ATCC)菌(jun)種

  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新時(shi)間:2024-03-12
  • 訪  問  量:4110


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ATCC 8739 大腸桿菌 現貨供應

ATCC® Number: 8739™    Price:$155.00
Organism:Escherichia coli (Migula) Caslani and ChalmersDesignations:CrooksIsolation:fsDepositor:IC GunsalusHistory:ATCC <<--IC Gunsalus<<--G.C. CrooksBiosafety Level:1eceShipped:freeze-driedGrowth Conditions:ATCC medium3: Nutrient agar or nutrient brothTemperature: 37.0°CPermits/Forms:In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible fofinishedr obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.Cross References:Escherichia coli C str. ATCC 8739  genomeJGI Project ID4002730Nucleotide (GenBank) : CP000946Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, complete genome ATCC 8739 大腸桿菌Comments:Genome sequenced strainApplications:assay of [92287] assay of antimicrobial preservatives [4101] [11020] [21514] [21603] bioresistance testing [92589] detection of [92381] [92805] [92834] efficacy testing [92779] media testing [11019] [21509] [21511] [21613] [92345] [92390] [92845] preparatory test control [21613] quality control strain [92096] testing [92304] [92305] [92307] [92349] [92403] testing antimicrobial handwashing formulations [32196] reduces dehydroascorbic acid [6118] quality control strain for Biosynth and Difco productsRelated Products:also available as SafeTsource™:ATCC 8739NApurified DNA: ATCC 8739D-5References:4101: ASTM International Standard Test Method for Preservatives in Water-Containing Cosmetics. West Conshohocken, PA6118: J. Biol. Chem. 141: 853, 1941.11019: British Pharmacopoeia Commission Tests for microbial contamination. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XVI B, 200311020: British Pharmacopoeia Commission Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XVI C, 200321509: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbial contamination of products not required to comply with the test for sterility (total viable aerobic count). Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.12, 199721511: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbial contamination of products not required to comply with the test for sterility (tests for specified micro-organisms). Nutritive and selective properties of the media and validity of the test for specified micro-organisms. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.13, 199721514: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 5.1.3, 199721603: U.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters:ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTIVENESS TESTING. Rockville, MD:U.S. Pharmacopeia;USP USP28-NF23, 200521613: U.S. Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplement Chapters:MICROBIAL ENUMERATION TESTS-NUTRITIONAL AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS . Rockville, MD:U.S. Pharmacopeia;USP USP28-NF23, 2005



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